welcome to the writing updates

this is where i document my slow descent into madness while writing my debut fantasy novel, crowned in starlight and silver.


  • dramatic word count updates (sometimes progress, sometimes despair)

  • sneak peeks that i’ll probably regret sharing later

  • worldbuilding spirals at 2 a.m.

  • questionable writing playlists

  • and plenty of “why did i do this to myself” energy

whether you’re here for the magic, the chaos, or just to witness my public breakdown, you’re officially invited into the mess. grab a coffee. bring a sword. it’s time to write.

current progress: crowned in starlight and silver

plotting: ✅ done (after 47 existential crises)

drafting: ✨ in progress (currently on chapter 6, send snacks)

crying: 💧 happening daily

revising: 🔮 future me’s problem

celebrating: 🎉 someday soon (manifesting)

word count goal: 100,000 words (current: ~9,720 and counting)